i appreciate that this comes from someone who “drinks a lot of whiskey” per http://www.jeffreysomers.com/
i appreciate that this comes from someone who “drinks a lot of whiskey” per http://www.jeffreysomers.com/
I didn’t read all of the article, but I wanted to thank you for not making it a slideshow.
I’ve bought and sold houses a few times and this was never asked or answered on any disclosure form I saw.
If you decide on the bird bath, be sure to change the water frequently to avoid providing breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
If I have 10 different kinds of birds outside my window all jibber-jabbering, how would I identify the LOUDEST one that I’m actually trying to identify?
Yay. My very first try and I get this error, and there is literally no help option or explanation. (Typical)
I wonder if it’s more dangerous all around repo’ing Harleys, I imagine the ven diagram of Harley owners and itchy trigger fingers is pretty high.
Wow. It looks as if we are on the Dawn of a new age.
bonus protein
it adds a nice juicy tanginess
But we won’t know unless we try, dammit!
I’ve used ATMs that work both ways — they all eat the card, but some hold on to the card until you complete your transactions and say you’re done, while others spit back the card once you’ve entered your PIN and tell you to take the card. With the second type, were I to be picked out for this scam, I’d take my card…
I may own my house, but my cat owns the windowsills. She agrees with all of the above.
“After all, they should have had Ukraine wrapped up inside of a week, and the only reason Ukraine was able to resist their invasion is that...” the US saw them coming weeks in advance, lined up the West in support, and started Ukraine on an intense diet of high quality intel and weapons support.
The channel its posted on, however, is also a fairly curious. It comes, not from a history or policy channel, but from Modern Muscle, a fairly popular YouTube channel with around 306,000 subscribers and several videos with views in the millions. From what I can tell, 99 percent of his content is car related.
ultimate live streaming..as in a live stream with water..that is all..
The biggest problem with all digital currency, is that banks will be able to charge negative interest when the economy is bad. If there is no physical currency to withdraw and all banks are charging negative interest, there will be nothing you can do. Some people say this is a good thing as it will force people to…