
“Notification permission prompts are, to put it lightly, annoying as fuck.

“Genghis Kahn’s Wikipedia entry”

Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.” -Douglas Adams

It’s the subterranean Mars-Men (or Women) pushing it back up the hole. Obviously.

I’m not usually one to make off topic posts or to complain about the site (and I also realize this is piling on) but do y’all not realize that auto playing (which causes the entire video to load) on every page we go to is going to eat up some people who dont have that much data to use on their cell phone plan? Not to

Whenever I hear someone use the word “toxins” outside of the appropriate scientific or medical context, or call anything a “superfood”, I just turn around and walk away. Life is too short to fill with other people’s idiotic bullshit.

This has been know for quite some time. Long enough that myth has turned to legend.

Allow me to hop on this discussion. This study seems hare-brained, at best. Everybunny knows that this study is lops-sided.

Yeah I think I’m gonna get a flu shot still. Been getting them since I was 11 and have been fine.

Wait...Where’s the step where you just let the dog lick your hands? Have I been doing it wrong all this time?

What the hell, Catie?

Um, wouldn’t all the abandoned trains blocking the tracks make the rail system useless?

Would be my guess that he has fallen in with a bad murder, or he has fallen in love with a girl crow.

Late humans. I am sure oversleeping existed back then

Not really no. Quality of the output is what matters more. You can have a 1000 megapixel sensor but if the dynamic range, color rendition, and noise are terrible then it’s worthless.

I feel sorry for anyone who needs this.

Now playing

You can type fuck. Go nuts with the dirty words.

The problem this year is that September 12th is a Saturday,

Now playing

I did very much enjoy goofy making the engine noises when he was a car.

Why is a multinational corporation with $35B in yearly revenue “crowdfunding” product development?