Not everything about health care sucks. We are on Medicare now. We have an Advantage plan with Aetna, that's a PPO. The $164 monthly premium comes out of our SS check. Best insurance we’ve ever had.
Not everything about health care sucks. We are on Medicare now. We have an Advantage plan with Aetna, that's a PPO. The $164 monthly premium comes out of our SS check. Best insurance we’ve ever had.
Hey! I just got my second (and final) $11.00 payment from the hard drive settlement! I feel rich! It only took what? 6 years?
What happened to the spoon method? We learned that one 60 years ago. Hold a largish spoon so the inside is facing the orange. Poke the tip into one end of the orange. Just continue to peel it with the spoon.
The Twitter quote say 100 "motorists" not cars. Unless that photo was taken after the cleanup had started, it looks more like 40 to 50 cars to me. Still bad, though.
Really old.
Old? I grew up watching shows like Ed Sullivan, Bonanza, and Red Skelton.
A TV channel called Just Ads, and it is supposed to be satire? There are many, many channels that are "just ads." They are called shop at home networks.
On a much smaller scale, most rivers and streams can do this. We have a small creek near here, Swan Creek that is a popular Ozark float stream. At one spot, the creek went over a stone ledge that was about 2 feet high. It was a fun place to picnic or camp. Well, that ledge is now 10 feet under gravel and trees. During…
Yes, they definitely are!
Some of the Chihuahua mixes are real cuties. Some, ah, not so much. We saw a guy carrying a dog in Walmart the other day. Obviously had some Chihuahua in it. We stopped and talked a bit. It was a Chihuahua/Shih Tzu mix. Ugliest little dog! Almost cute it was so ugly.
Some things NEED to be mixed cold. Like buttermilk biscuits. I’ve made them with all room temperature ingredients. And they turn out acceptable. But very cold butter and buttermilk make them better. Takes longer to mix in the butter. But it’s worth it.
I was at a vet once, when someone brought in a huge Great Dane that was a show dog. It had had a bout if diarrhea in the show ring.
We have this one’s sister, who is a longhair, and their mother. This one imprinted on me, so she wants to be right there with me most of the time.
In 1980, a guy was killed on the Fire In The Hole ride at Silver Dollar City. A car that was supposed to be empty was switched to go into a maintenance area. Through a very low door.
Older cookbooks are the best. I still have my Mom’s Joy of Cooking from 1952 (with all her notes). And the JoC she gave me in 1973 when I got married. These can't be beat for basic cooking knowledge. But you need to find one that still has the instructions on skinning a squirrel. When they edited it out, they also…
Well, a warm oven would be if you can almost take things out with your bare hands. A hot oven would be if it singed your eye brows when you open the door.
The only thing about geographically ordered lists is when you go to the store, and they have rearranged everything. AGAIN! Walmart seems to do this about every year or two.
We Live in the Ozarks. If it ain’t at Walmart, Menards or my wife’s favorite store, Hobby Lobby, we don't need it.
Hey! What’s wrong with you guys. An article about Yugo’s, that says in the first paragraph “Boomer joke.”