
Facts that have changed since you were in school.....

clipping dog claws? Step one. Get some of this. Because you ARE going to make at least one claw bleed.

I still miss my first vehicle also. 1970 Datsun PU. Drove the heck out of that poor little truck.

When I was a teenager, my Mom had an Irish setter. You could not keep her out of any body of water she was near. At that time, my folks did a lot of canoeing in the Ozarks. The dog would not ride in the canoe, but would gladly run on shore, chase smells in the woods, and swim all day long.

Damn!! That's powerful!

For you non horse people,

Yeah, I was thinking about that too. Seems like I saw it earlier than 1977, though. I was 25 in 77. I’m sure I saw this as a kid. Maybe there was a similar one in the 60's.

Many years ago, PBS did a series on pets. On the cat episode, they had a nutritionist from one of the major pet food companies talking about pet food. They said that the best cat food would be made from whole ground mouse. Hair, guts, bones and all. They had even produced and test marketed this. No one would buy it.

As I learned sometime in the 70's, Sooners or later, bikinis will be two bandaids and a cork.

Best use I’ve ever found for Duct Tape is a cricket trap. Simply make a sheet with 5 or 6 strips if tape about 12 to 15 inches long. Place a glob of peanut butter in the middle of the sticky side. Put this sheet on the floor (sticky side up, stupid) in the crickety area. When covered in stuck crickets, fold over,

The way I heard it is: If it moves and it shouldn’t, use Duct Tape. If is doesn’t move but should, use WD-40.

The sheriff department here, have some cruisers equipped with a port in the front that fires a very sticky tracker dart. They get close enough to tag the suspect vehicle, then back out of sight, and track it digitally.

It's been common knowledge for many years that the US government used "UFO" sightings for coverup of secret airplane testing. I figure it's the same thing now. Just Black Ops that is not know by the grunts.

Now playing

Well, they could be aliens the same way the aliens in this movie are. Official Denial. Syfy channels first made for tv movie.

WalMart will soon be all self checkout. Nationwide. I'm sure other stores will follow.

Can’t forget this Tarzan.

I only do this when I make apple butter. This stuff plops and splatters everywhere. And I’ve changed my tactic somewhat. A now just cover the stovetop with foil. I tape up sheets of newspaper on the wall behind the stovetop, on the nearby cabinets and countertops.

Also, if you are in a stall, or at a stool instead of a urinal, remember that toilet paper is your friend. A sheet or two held to the tip, a few squeezes, and your good to go.

Washing hands. Yeah, most of that sounds good. But I ain’t gonna wash my hands every time I pet one of our dogs or cats. I’d never get anything done. Now, if I gotta get poop out of Fuzzy Butts tail, that’s different. She is our long hair Chihuahua.

Especially in the middle of the night, half awake, and lights down low. I’ve finally given up, and just sit down for the mid-night pees.