Just go out tonight and look at the moon, Jupiter and Saturn all together.
Just go out tonight and look at the moon, Jupiter and Saturn all together.
We put an old loveseat out in the curb with a free sign several years ago. Couple of hours later, we noticed that one of the cushions was gone. Great! Now who's going to take it!? An hour or so later, there was a guy out there looking at it. I went out, and he was trying to get it into the top of a bicycle. He said…
Well, when I first saw the lead image on my phone, I thought this was going to be a review of your condom drawer. My bad.
Not every cave is full of bat guano and dead animals
Any respectful caver will also take a peek bottle. Pee in a cave can really screw up the very unique environment of a cave system.
You know, there is a much simpler, free way. Just put your alarm clock, or phone, which ever the case may be, across the room. Then you have to get up to turn it off.
As usual, no mention of Convoy of Hope. They had people and semis full of supplies in the area Tuesday.
Have you ever cooked a waffle with bacon inside? MMMM! Partially cooked bacon works best. Just place a couple of strips on top of the waffle batter, close the lid and cook as usual.
Most greedy ones here are the Common Grackles.
A word about humming bird feeders. Don’t fill them completely full, and just leave it out for weeks. Only put in them what will get eaten in 3-4 days, and then empty, clean, and refill them. Sugar water spoils quicky in the summer.
Until they learn to jump from the ground, to above the baffle.
Rig it up to a water hose.
There is a great companion app to this, called BirdNet, produced by some grad students an Cornell, that will identify birds using an AI, by a recording you make with your phone, then send to them. It is only on Android (snicker, snicker), is still in Beta, but so far it has worked great every time I have used it.
We just put the interior bag into a gallon size zipper bag, inside the cereal box. Keeps freshness in, and any little ants out. Doesn't matter what the top of box does.
I have had a Moto G6 for almost 2 years. I have rebooted it maybe 6 times. Except when it did a system update.
Just hit “More Info”, and the “Run anyway” button will appear.
Ok, Politically Correct Police. What is the photography industry supposed to do? We have color images, and black and white images.
I can highly recommend soy sauce, a splash of sesame oil and garlic salt. Oh. You can also sprinkle in some Italian seasoning if you like. You don’t need to soak them very long. 20 minutes is plenty, turning them a few times. And you don’t need a great quantity. A tablespoon or so of soy sauce and garlic salt to taste…
This whole article is one big yolk.