
Please note a number of other (regular, non-troll) commenters on these threads saying 'This totally could have been me a few years ago.'

Nah, I have a few girlfriends who def think like this. And they wonder why they're chronically and unwillingly single. Hmmmmmmmmm.

I haven't watched the tape yet but this is what I've noticed from Hollywood casting notices

Can we stop using "nice guy" to mean something bad? Some people are male, and they are nice, and they are therefore nice guys. They're not necessarily socially retarded, they don't always just talk to women they want to have sex with, they won't get pissed off with you because you "friendzoned" them.

Wouldn't not wanting to date or fuck you = being in the friend zone? She sees you as a friend so your in the friend zone?

I think a lot of women fool themselves into thinking something like this when they're confronted with the fact that they could just tell the guy they're not interested (and in the process deny any responsibility in social settings ... how convenient!). I've had to reject plenty of men before because I wasn't