8Ringer (irrational hater of Subaru)

I don’t know how good of a developer he was but zip2 and x.com seemed to pay off for him. From everything I’ve read he actually does know quite a lot about rocketry and batteries and isn’t just the money behind the curtains. I do suspect that he micromanages things way too much though.

I would agree that it would be

Great write-up and very informative. Just wondering why you included a tweet from an irrelevant washed-up “b”-rated reality TV “star” in this??

This is the answer. If he really doesn’t drive much, then he’s causing a bunch of unnecessary production and shipping costs (monetary and environmental) by getting a new car. He should drive this one for 5-10 years and then replace with an EV when he is comfortable with an EV lifestyle.


It took them so long because now they don’t need him and they’re getting off the sinking ship. Sad they wouldn’t stand up to him all these years, but here we are.

He was too busy watching the road to pay attention to the speedo?

First, I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say. Second, This is about his federal income taxes you dolt.

You’re looking at it through human eyes. A sufficiently developed computer-driven car can make everything look like a near-miss. The math isn’t that hard to determine how fast you can cross an intersection and miss the car that’s already in it.

Right? The supporting allegations of his coworkers seems almost cartoonish. I’ve met and known plenty of people who don’t want children and don’t see a need to procreate, but I’ve never come across a workplace where an employee who is expecting a child would be routinely mocked by multiple other employees. 

I’m with you! One of the things I hate the most about American politics is how all-important the Constitution is in lawmaking.

Even if that’s not why he was fired, that sounds a bizarely anti-child workplace. I’ve worked with adamantly childfree and chatty child-having people, and even if they bitched behind each other’s backs about their different choices, they were always decent humans to their face.  What the hell are these comments?  What

They tend to do this on lots of things but the other direction, too. Back in the mid-00's, I was trying to buy an SUV to tow a racecar. The hybrid Tahoe was ONLY available in the absolute highest LTZ trim making it a $70,000 vehicle. I was all good with buying the $40,000 version but I wanted a hybrid because ... why

Time and again, manufacturers today only put their manuals in their option-barren penalty boxes, only to swiftly cancel those manual transmissions when they don’t sell

Correct. I would have been more likely to buy a G70 if I could have gotten the big engine with a manual. I tried to the configurator thing on their website but adding just about any option meant you couldn’t get the MT.

My frustration is that nearly all manufacturers missed the transition from “manuals are for cheap loser cars only” to “enthusiasts with disposable income want manuals in their enthusiast cars.”

Nobody this stupid “earns” anything. And nobody in their right mind defends them.

I don’t understand why I can’t scream outrage into the internet because manufacturers no longer make manual wagons?

Sure, go ahead and laugh. But when future scientists look back on our era - after having conclusively proven the damaging effects excessive acceleration on the human brain - they will view delirium furiosum as unto lead in the pipes of Rome. “How,” young children will remark, “could they fail to notice their society’s

With all due respect, chill the fuck out on that.

This is a very important point, IMO. The fact that the developer brand is doing more damage in terms of deterring the game’s retail prospects, than any other factor.