8Ringer (irrational hater of Subaru)

I don’t know, man. Peninsula people are not much better that Eastern WA from the time I’ve spent out there...

I dare you to put any contemporary American design next to this and say its more restrained:

Yes it was a brutal hit, but I agree with you here. Unnecessary? Yes. Dirty? Nope. It was a clean hit, Burfict just didn’t see it coming and the result was him getting laid the fuck out. The taunting was bullshit though.

Oh I know the comparison isn’t really fair, the only reason I mentioned it was simply that it happened yesterday. And yea I think quality has gone up dramatically across the board. Comparing my wife’s old Mk3 Jetta to my barely 5 year older B6 A4 the difference is crazy. And thats within the VAG family. I have little

You didn’t but the OP (who you were responding to) did.

I always get a bunch of BS from American brand afficionados here too. Most all american cars are not up to snuff when compared to their Japanese or European counterparts. The stuff made in the past 5 years by Ford and Chevy is actually farther up on the scale of “Not Terrible” than they used to be, but I’m still

Which is EXACTLY why JD Power marketing wonks will extoll the virtues of their “market research” and “testing” and the auto companies won’t say a damn thing. Its paid for awards. Which is why its meaningless.

That moose just had a bit too much Molson after winning his men’s league hockey game. Nothing to see here.

smug asshole =/= adult.

Well aren’t you just Mr. Prepared For Everything.

I’m guessing that if you were on the owners side of this coin you’d be singing a different tune.

This. I applaud them for trying to maintain the purity of their lighweight concept, but at some point, people need to buy their cars. Which is exactly the problem they’ve been facing the past 2 decades...

Not so much lie with them, but cherrypick data in order to make a sensationalist headline and get traffic. I really hate griping about this so I rarely do, but a more in depth discussion of this would be much more interesting to me.

Hah! Happy to oblige. That is such a great movie.

Technically they did. Practically, they haven’t enforced much of anything, if the ridiculous number of people still holding their phones is any indication.

To be honest, this article is meaningless without anything to compare Tesla’s defect rates to.

You ever driven on I-89 in Vermont between Burlington and Montpelier at night? There is VERY little to indicate the roadside except for tiny yellow reflectors on sticks on shoulder every 300 yards or so. If the highway has snow on it then good luck figuring out lanes or markings or exits...

What about places where there aren’t any real markers on the roadside and no lights? In perfect science world every place these cars need to navigate is an urban environment with plenty of context. This is rarely the case. See also: many many roads in the developing world.

“I love Liz Warren, but I do think going around touting your American Indian heritage or allowing yourself to be listed as a minority when you’re 1/32 and go through life as white otherwise is a little weird”