
Don't ever let a plumber talk you into buying a faucet that takes away your own fine control of both water temperature and velocity, if you or someone you want to please cares about taking a comfortable bath. Now if your main concern is not getting scalded when someone else flushes a toilet in the house, then by all

You're going to end up making me go buy one of these.

This is very biased. Where's the coverage of the growing super villain movement? You won't get away with this.

@Vidit: The sound quality is over all better. You can actually connect a phone call with a lower signal with the 4 than you could with the 3GS, though you'd better not put your finger on that spot. See, calls the 4 is dropping, were never even started on the 3GS.

Man, that iPhone 4 is so fricken sweet, you people don't know. I didn't even buy one, I got an Evo instead. But the iPhone 4 is really awesome. All that style, so thin, all that power and quality. Probably all this negative publicity will ruin its perception to much for it to win any awards, but I really, really feel

I don't think Swype would be affective on that size of screen. You're better off using 10 fingers. I will reiterate that it's downright awesome on a phone. It'd be super awesome if it had a mic input, too, though, for voice.

Well, I think a lot of it is some people just love to attack shit, especially stuff they see as strange or mysterious. It's the same reason why people love reading gossip mags. But the Church of Scientology did some very specific things to draw this negative attention to itself and in a funny way disobeyed some of

@Christopher Cox: Ha ha, you should have ended with "Sent from my iPhone"

@iScuba: I kind of see that, too. But I really don't see Atheists caring so much that another person has beliefs as much as just objecting that those beliefs are attempted to be pushed on other people. A religious person's agenda is to convert everyone on the planet to their religion. That's what their books say to

@dfxdeimos: I like the way you put that. Tons and tons of people are "culturally" religious, too, mouthing the words that were mouthed to them over and over, but actually have no spiritual participation or practical belief in religion. They're pretty much just focused on their lives here and now in a purely physical

@Deoki: It's literally the way people are built. We are not machines, we have idiosyncrasies (read: insanity) built in. Surely you've got some of your own. If you've escaped from the brain wash of religion that's pretty good. If you've escaped from any form of perceiving that which is not absolute truth, well, you're

I don't believe in athiests.

@junior ghoul: this is of course getting way off topic, but then the article itself is off topic. But I see the whole scientology is crazy thing is identical to the whole the iPhone 4 has some class action level flaw. It's just a bunch of hype that the press gets views from and weak minded people get to blabber self

I totally agree. I'm happy with my EVO. There's a bunch problems with it, the camera and video aren't hot, Android's a little cumbersome, etc. But there's a lot right about it. I typically don't defend big corporations, but you gotta take a look at all features that got crammed into the iPhone's elegant little

Will this software update also fix the stress fracture corners of the 3GS ?

@Wozamil: smells like team spirit to me.

@bimplebean: is that because the first chart is regarding height, not age?

I typically don't reveal my income but I definitely don't exaggerate, because I don't want to get with someone based on that at all. I mean isn't that tantamount to using a prostitute? I'd assume at least some other guys think the same way.