
@EeepaEeepa: Actually, there's an iPhone Android compatibility case made out of lead that can provide that functionality. It's so heavy, though.

I hate the argument that "we already do such and such so this is no worse". It is worse because its more loss of privacy.

@Hearthatvoiceagain: Dang it, how come Google can't match iPhone feature for feature? I'm also having trouble getting my apps rejected from the Market, and it's very frustrating. If an App Store dev wants to get a little publicity, all he has to do is pick from 1 of 1,000 known reasons to get his app rejected, or

What do the words "Genius" and "Prophet" have to do with any of this? I can't find anything to relate them, too, unless they're there for satire.


Just to respond to the early comments regarding Windows 7, Windows 7 is just Vista with a little bit of icing. In other words, a turd with icing. XP is much faster, much more stable. Just take a look at time it takes for a simple wifi reconnect. Or the amount of general network problems people experience with 7. Or

@bakagaijin: why the hell did you post this?

@Elliuotatar: 90%? Wow, what did they do with the other 9.9% of crap that used to be on there? Are they rejecting videos like Apple rejects apps, now?

I don't like YouTube any more. I mean, I use it to share and host personal videos with friends and family. Or occasionally to do some personal research. But I'm completely bored with what strangers are posting and all the "subscribe to my channel" crap. And the ever increasing commercials. Never would I want YouTube

@8oardR1der: Hey, can you chain like 16 phones together to make an LED backlight for that 16 phone chained monitor? That would be really useful.

Holy crap! This is remarkable ground breaking technology. I mean it's software, it's hardware. The algorithm must be phenomenal. Please keep us apprised of how this evolves. I mean these are just version 1 apps. I can't even think what matured 2nd generation LED flashlight apps will bring. I wait with anticipation for

@Eric Tate: It worked on my Evo, but not on Dolphin HD. So, like, did Google optimize the site expressly for iPhone?

"underwater...emitting some high pitched whines" "I don't think he experiences any stress" The dog is just humouring you. He's scared to death and can't move. Can't clear his ears to balance out the pressure. Fucking retard.

People who base the core of their personality on a brand. Are they really people?

I think HTC should hire him. Screw Best Buy.

Do people really still consider iphone a player in the smartphone market? I guess fan boyism dies hard.

I have to admit i havent hijacked a single plane without using a snow globe

I have to admit i havent hijacked a single plane without using a snow globe

#2, is NSFLAWDS, not safe for looking at while drinking soda.

@madisomi: man of ren: that's true, but we do "try on" reasonable hypothesis for a while or until disproven or improved.