
Plug the thingy into the whatchamacallit. No? Try the other one then. OK, it's working now.

what the heck are you doing with a box of snakes? Whatever you do, don't take it with you on a plane.

Apple's response to this is really offensive. I'm offended on behalf of all of you iPhone purchasers that Apple thinks so little of you that they will tell stupid transparent manipulative lies. Unfortunately, this will be satisfactory to most people. I swear there is some kind of subliminal influence going on here.

Awesome tutorial!

@Arken: I want bread with the iPhone 4's ppi.

@Xeraphim: Cool. I'm not surprised at this. I have an Evo, too and haven't had a chance to view an iPhone 4. No matter the tests, the Evo screen is excellent.

Sorry, didn't read the underlying article. Are any of the tests based on subjective opinion of humans? Because when it comes down to it, no matter what some machine that measures colors, brightness, contrast etc reports, it's whether humans think it looks good, is readable or get headaches when viewing for long

@ashishkapur: yeah, that is weird. why isn't it knotted in hair pulling it back?

that video is killing me

@Tony Kaye: Don't ever pick up a knife, or drive a car then, because you can do lots of damage with those, too.

@GoldVrod: agreed. It's unbelievable how shitty rich douchebags can act these days.

@phiyuku: That's the thing, elsewhere in the article it's stated that the actual talking reception is the best of any phone ever. The connection is digital, so as long as the actual call does not get dropped, the reception is fantastic.

@buttnugget: How did I miss that? Thanks for point that out. I wonder where else Mr. "Gay wood" stuck the the phone to try the signal out.

I've seen tons of individuals post they don't see the problem at all. Are all those people just such over the top Apple fan boys that they actually can't see it? I ask, because things like this make it seem like it's a cut and dried deal.

@justinpe: No, Apple just spends billions in TV advertising.

The minimum screen size of 3.5 is stupid. 3" screen phones can be high end. Some people want a smaller phone.

When is Google going to learn how to make cool software names? Like "7".

@Donuthead: can you say "fire"? I mean say it real loud, the next time you go to Panera.