
If millions are jailbreaking, Apple stands to lose millions if it's made illegal and enforced. So, I'm thinkin' that's not going to happen. Apple may take the stance that all jailbreakers also install stolen apps and/or install apps they would have otherwise purchased in the store, but I don't think this is true. For

I don't know about trash day, but I dropped my Evo in the toilet. After reading some "how to" articles on reviving after such, I took it a part and put some parts in a warm stove. A too warm stove. I came back a few hours later and the big plastic frame part had warped past being able to reassemble the phone properly.

@Mex: Except the advertising is played out live by paid actors, since of course there is no electricity for video.

Had these (video commercials at checkouts and in aisles) for at least a year now in Houston. It's better than cable, which is also horrible.

wow, so it's like a Wii HD? Pretty cool!

News flash, people naturally just this in real life too. Sorry ugly fatties, hot people weren't going to waste any time past your profile picture anyway. This just saves everyone time.

hookers take orders with pen and paper? Is that like, "I'd like a XXXX, followed with a XXXX, and finished with a XXXX" or more like, "I'd like 1 brunette DD hookder at room 25 at 7pm"? I need to know exactly how Jesus orders his hookers, on pen and paper.

@Philip Han: This is actually completely Apple's fault. Apple demands special treatment from AT&T and specialized connection processes. If Apple would just let AT&T process the iPhone and accounts they way all the other phones AT&T sells, none of this would have happened. No other AT&T phone is experiencing anything

@NorwoodIsMyHero: it's hard to extend your finger without it pointing to some ineptitude of AT&T. I have no idea if this is true, it's just fun saying mean things.

wait, could you pull up a bit more. No, the other way.

They could really make some money off this deal with pay per view, or Who Wants To Kill An Inmate

That's actually pretty plain looking. It doesn't look right, but it doesn't look enthralling or anything.

Hard day's work = walking around looking at cool stuff all day, yakking it up with fellow geeks. It's like slave labor.

The only thing this reminds me of is how many cool looking things you can buy now-a-days. Back when I was a kid there was only like 1 cool looking thing anywhere, and you certainly couldn't buy it.

Oh, my bad, I thought this was some kind of device used to restrain rabid iPhone fanboys, like maybe a muzzle + a short leash. Seems like that would be more useful. This looks interesting too, though it looks like it might work on other types of phones.

I gotta say, this shows nothing. I mean I believe what's being purported but the video quality is horrible. I would think someone who is smart enough to hack Flash onto an iPhone would be smart enough to figure out how to make a clear video of it pretty easily.

now I can't imagine how I'm going to get by with my Evo without a gyroscopy. It's just so much a plastic piece of junk now.