
I’ve had friends play a similar game out here in Southern California. Kind of weird how this stuff spreads.

Proposed article title change: just remove the first two spoiler-y words.

Bill Burr is a national treasure. But yes, he’s always Bill Burr, whether he’s a detective or a criminal. 

Yeah, I get that. And I’m aware of other jedi being in that position, but the idea of the main protagonist of this latest series being in that position is cool and I think sets a nice precedent for people watching (children) that not everyone special comes from a special bloodline (Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc).

I personally have enjoyed the two recent Jumanji films quite a bit. Judging by the box office returns of the two films ($1.7 billion), the Rotten Tomatoes scores (higher than the 1995 film in both critic and audience categories), and the fact that Dwayne Johnson was the highest paid actor in 2016 and 2019, it just

I just liked the idea that we had a protagonist that was incredibly force powerful without requiring some special bloodline to explain it. I agree with how you felt about Canto Bight as well. There was more meat on that bone, so to speak. 

I was happy that Rian Johnson tried to subvert expectations, despite TLJ having its issues. Having Rey come from nothing is a powerful storytelling device. Undoing that really disappointed me. Along with that kiss, which was just completely ridiculous. I don’t necessarily think it’s a remake of the original trilogy,

On this topic, since the Emperor seemingly returned from the dead, why would anyone think he’s permanently dead now? When people start returning from the dead without explanation or information, what’s to say they can’t do that over and over again? 

Now playing

In terms of weird alternate reality pop stars, I prefer Poppy.

Ready or Not was so great that I’ll gladly see anything they do with the Scream franchise.

Macbook is sold out.

Macbook is sold out.

Interesting! I’ll have to check that out.

I don’t think Holly makes any assumptions, especially when she knows that a single scratch could be the end of her life (she’s the one that discovered the scratch marked the person as Cuco’s victim in the first place). I guess we’ll see if/when next season rolls around.

I just feel like she would have noticed that scratch. It’s pretty blatant on her arm. Unless somehow the mirror reflection of Jack was actually a Cuco and that was a new wound? It just seems more likely to have been a dream/hallucination/vision.

Yeah that “Who’s Terry?” moment definitely stood out. She also said in the series that she doesn’t like music, but was listening to music in the cut-scene at the end. It’s possible this was all kind of a dream-state thing too.

He is so fucking fantastic in Narcos: Mexico. This most recent season was incredible. 

I booed in the theater! I wasn’t proud of it but it was just a natural response. The guy murdered tons of people, tried to kill her, tried and almost succeeded to kill one of her best friends (Finn), tried to kill her mentor (and his own mother), and killed his own father and one of the main heroes of the rebellion.

Couldn’t have said it better. I am a VERY forgiving fan, and even I audibly groaned at points of RoS.

Delegates matter. The more votes someone gets, the more delegates they get. So it’s important to vote even if you know who is “destined to win”, so that candidate can get more delegates.