
“Other young men do not have such luxuries.”

Pet > Fur Baby.

How’d that work out for MacReady?

Being allowed to work in the entertainment industry at the capacity he did is a privilege. After doing the things he did (which he kinda sorta admitted to), that privilege should go to someone else. If he wants to continue to make animated films, he can do so at home and post them to his website as a hobby like all of

I’ve never had the kind of ‘ultimate power’ that a person like Lasseter had over the last few decades, so I can’t understand why he would willingly subject himself to what is most certainly going to be a shitstorm of negative attention for taking this job. He doesn’t need the money. His name finally fell out of the hea

Now playing

Matt, you should include this in your post (if it hasn’t been sent to you already). It includes 2 guests and close friends getting off the ride and hanging out backstage and on the sets with video cameras (several times over the course of months), and has a very moving ending.

I think you’re mistaking opinion for observation.

There’s not really a way to know from the title of the article that it is just going to be a bunch of weird and silly shit-talk. I agree with Thewalkingdude. I remember a time where this site wasn’t quite so... Gawker-esque... and was more about positivity within the genre, rather than pointless negativity that serves

Also popular at the 1893 World’s Fair: H. H. Holmes.

Like Paul Rudd or Jason Bateman, I don’t need him to have more range. He is great at what he does.

The Last Jedi doesn’t need to be remade because it’s a fine movie on its own. The Star Wars universe is large enough that anyone who wants to contribute an original story to the world can do so without having to remake a movie that isn’t in need of one.

Not that you were necessarily asking, but you mentioned that you don’t understand the appeal of using one of these “virtual assistants” on a practical level. So I thought I’d throw you an example of how I use Siri for practical things that are faster than doing so manually on a smartphone (or safer). For example, if

Given that glitter can cause permanent damage to eyes, I wouldn’t be surprised if a court sided with the thief. 

You could put Sigur Ros over two turtles fucking and it would make me well up.

I choose to believe my original response... that they spent 134 years on the film. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“every second in the film took a week to complete.”

After this write up it kind of puts into perspective how badly being hamstrung by a PG13 rating can fuck up a good movie. We already knew that, but this is an interesting proof of concept. 

I thought Death Wish was a solid revenge flick with Bruce Willis hamming it up for a little fun. I didn’t take it nearly as seriously as the reviewer did.

It looks like he’s modeled after an athlete, which makes some sense. Particularly because today’s youth identifies with a specific look for an athlete, and this looks like an Under Armor ad. I’m not shitting on it because none of us have seen any footage, but maybe the outrage and confusion online is a little over the

She’s great too!