I'm flying Virgin for the first time in a few weeks. From all I've heard, I'm quite excited about this.
I'm flying Virgin for the first time in a few weeks. From all I've heard, I'm quite excited about this.
If you are with someone you trust, and they are open to having a little fun, there's no reason not to enjoy each other's different quirks. It makes relationships better, people get closer, guards come down, it's a win-win. (or win-win-win depending on those involved)
It just seems weird to me that every other OS seems to increase the abilities of older hardware where Apple seems to be the opposite. AND don't get me wrong I actually like the Apple desktop OS, I just can't afford an Apple desktop when I can build a killer gaming rig for $500.
Apply this to your sex life for an interesting night!
This morning it was 91 degrees at 7:30am. Kill me.
I guess it depends on the situation. I took a cab from the Salem Commons to Boston (about a 20 mile drive), and that only took about 35 minutes.
Yeah, you are right. The tours mention that the town was not built for any sort of automobiles, so it just kind of grew with stuff popping up in random spots. Obviously, when the car came around, the roads turned out to be a bit of a mess. But it adds to the charm! Sort of. haha.
It's funny that you mention that. The only times I've been were during Halloween. Haha.
We did a few walking tours out there. The only times I've been there were Halloweens, so there was a lot of historical things to take part in.
That's part of the reason that I love it!
Yeah, it's a weird thing. I've always been drawn to the state. And have spent time in Salem and Boston on a few different trips. And I've just loved it every time. But I really could go with just about any state in the area and I'm sure I would enjoy myself. I like the history, the seasons, and the rest of the shit we…
Sometimes people want to experience a different city for the lifestyle change, living costs, starting fresh, or just an interest in that city.
In his book he talks about this. He wasn't too fat to sit in the seat, and he didn't have to use a seat-belt extender thing. And he specifically said that he was not spilling out of his seat or anything.
My point was that the place looks nice, clean, and neat. It was a joke based on the original commenters note that it was just an iMac on a desk. Unfortunately for me, putting an iMac on my desk won't magically make my room cleaner or my space better. Jokes.
Download it here: http://9031.com/goodies/
I wish I could just throw an iMac on a desk and my place/workspace would look that good.
scrupulous agnosticism
Who determines if a 20 year old needs counseling for drinking though? There's not like, a set limit. Some parents would send their kid to counseling for having a single drink.
6.5 is kind of my go to, but I like more and dislike less.
Learn when to stop looking through the viewfinder and enjoy a moment without a camera jammed in the middle.