
I love the english in this video.

Maybe the outcome of this movie is what turns him into the more popular villain, a 'la Harvey Dent turning into Two Face.

Agreed. I don't get the hate. I'm going to watch it.

I have a weird crush on Vera Formiga.

Haha. I think the majority of what goes down with the production of these films is actually filmmakers taking advantage of ridiculously inflated budgets and just being generally ridiculous. 100 million dollars is so much fucking money that it breaks my brain, but that's small beans when it comes to a blockbuster. It's

Some of them look like DOOM baddies.

I think it's different when working from existing material.

Ah well. Worth a shot. Hopefully it wasn't a massive waste of your time, and only a slight waste. ha.

I'm at work so I can't watch, but I wonder if Cyborg is on there.

It's funny that you recommend the syfy series because one of the other responses said to avoid it.

thanks for the heads up. it looks like Storm Front will be my first stop.

Thank you very much sir (or ma'am). It is appreciated.

Car space will be a major issue. Increasing population inevitably increases the need for parking. And anyone who has lived in a densely populated area knows what lack of parking can do for one's state of mind.

I am assuming you are talking about the Dresden Files, which I keep seeing pop up here and there but know nothing about.

Hello, world.

iPhoto really isn't a bad free application for this. There are extensions you can add too for duplicates and things like that.

When did using photo filters become a "hipster" thing? Most of the people that use this stuff seem to be young kids. Often girls. But not specifically hipsters.

Another great, less messy alternative to Duct Tape is Gaff Tape. It's used in theater and A/V. Holds incredibly well and leaves less residue.

Before I left Apple I may or may not have taken a handful of 'black sticks'. There's even a facebook page for the black stick.

We use Sybase for the most part, and I've had a little fun with writing my own fixes for customers (rudimentary at best). But our software is now available on MS-SQL as well, so I need to up my game.