
Grow a beard, it got me in all the casino's without flashing ID. The one time I shaved I also forgot ID and they wouldnt let me in! Worse yet, the security guard was 3 years younger than me!

Somebody posted this on twitter and I thought it perfectly encapsulated the feeling a reader has when watching this ep with a non reader

You're right, it worked for the PSP Go.

I live in Birmingham, we're just thankful that our accent isn't frequently recorded.

Urge to play rising......

It needs to be said Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo. None of them have any lessons to learn. If this goes through they will have a monopoly on pricing. They will control the price everyone pays for a copy of a game, and unlike steam they will have no competitors to drive sales other than multiplat titles being price

In my family parental disappointment has been the mode for years.

"Do that, and you'll be fucking your wife with your wooden cock"

I smell a new meme

Hey maybe the premise was that a very small neutron star was tossed at near lightspeed by 2 super massive black holes spinning around each other, and that start hit earth.

All I could think of while looking at this article was:

Now our Castle is in another princess.

I'm a wee little one, and the USA team is very much about big burly guys. So basically, if/when I do go out for it, I have to make sure I'm better than all of them (through a niche fighting style) so that they see the benefit of having a tiny person on the team. That will probably be a few years down the line.

Oh oh oh! i get to use a word i picked up while living in Scotland. Lemme give it a try....

On another note, Moses Wolfenstein, PhD is one of the most badass names/titles I've ever seen.

looks just like my game boy color.