
This is true of a lot of industries. From retail to cars, these guys are wondering where everyone and their money is. What they don't realize is that everyone is probably at home trying to figure out how to pay the rent on the low wages and weak hours they earn, and their money is nonexistent. In the mean time,

That looks fun to watch. I ride a road bike myself. Maybe I should get a stationary trainer for it and pedal the thing in the living room while watching this. As a cyclist, I would be considered a "clydesdale" at 240lbs.

Probably only if you have an understanding wife/girlfriend, or are unattached otherwise. You may receive some sideways looks if not.

I sort of used to do this. Before I got married and was more frivolous with my income, I would place a lot of preorders, and buy a lot of games. Then, in the final days leading up to my next payday, I would find myself with no money for gas, but I still had to get to work. I would just visit my local Gamestop and

People used to say something similar when talking about the development of the electric light, the automobile, the airplane, the Internet, and countless other technical achievements. While I don't think Valve is doing anything as game-changing as developing the automobile was, I still think they're on to something

Replace the entire steering column with an Xbox 360 controller, and you have a very intuitive control system for an entire generation of younger drivers. The lack of a steering wheel means manufacturers can implement more convenient places to store your Mountain Dew and Cool Ranch Doritos.

I've got the Retrolink NES pad. It feels pretty good, like you would expect an NES controller to feel. Good responsive buttons too. The only thing I would be wary about are the analog sticks on the N64 and GC controllers.

I have some new information that I didn't know when I wrote that previous post.

Wow. John Carmack looks YOUNG. It's like he's doing what he really wants to do right now, and this has energized and refreshed him, compared to the rest of us who hate our jobs and look like haggard zombies.

Seems like the horizontal resolution is a bit higher in Morpheus than in the Rift HD prototype. I haven't seen any details as to the method used to create a VR experience with Sony's offering, so I'm not sure how it stacks up to the Rift exactly.

So buy a PS3. They're inexpensive at this point in time, and there's more than enough value and enjoyment to be had with one.

Do a whole Snacktaku on a range of peppers, starting from the lowly jalapeno and working your way up to the mighty and feared Trinidad Moruga Scorpion.

This is typically true. I've been promised promotions before, and never received them. Not much I can do about that, but this is a liiiitle different.

Oh, and once a year those husks will turn into Halloween costume stores before vacating again.

I worked for Walmart for about 4 years, in electronics, then the cell phone desk, dubbed "Connection Center." I moved to Idaho last year to pursue a job opportunity. That opportunity fell though, and I ended up at a grocery store. A dude's gotta pay the bills, right?

The $60 price point is just fine for those early adopters who are willing to pay a premium to say that they were among the first to play a game, or maybe they wanted a little head start to give them a competitive advantage in a multiplayer game, so they pay the day 1 premium to score a few extra hours of gameplay that

I feel like "I think not!" needs to be changed to "I fink not!" But what do I know? I've never been to England.

An old classmate of mine was walking along the tracks in 2009 with headphones on. He didn't hear the train coming.

I'm okay with this.

Oh yes. I have. Honestly, it's probably something very old down there. Something Eldritch. The soap merely gave it a bubble bath. Soon, a mighty tentacle will spring forth from my commode and the Great Old One will rise forth from those depths. I hope I'm sitting on it when this happens, for then my death will