Who's worrying about the horrors of reality when you have GTAV? I'm certainly not. Why wallow in the poverty around me. In GTAV I'm practically a KING!
Who's worrying about the horrors of reality when you have GTAV? I'm certainly not. Why wallow in the poverty around me. In GTAV I'm practically a KING!
Personally, I would love to be able to play PS4 games from the bedroom, without having to lug the console in there, or buy a second one. It would offer a WiiU kind of experience when my wife wants the big TV, but I want to play games. I can just turn on the Vita TV and banish myself to the bedroom where I can enjoy…
I'm going to buy thirty XBox One consoles and link them together to play the first console through the thirtieth.
You know what else would be neat?
Help, Lost Cat
My TV has come exclusively through the Internet for years now. This, combined with Adblock Plus means I am exposed to minimal advertising. I honestly find it difficult to watch ordinary television now.
So you're saying the evidence of preorders suggests that only "Hardcore Gamers" want PS4s, because only hardcore gamers think to preorder. What evidence suggests that everyone else wants an XBone?
Except for according to VGChartz, the PS3 has been outselling the 360 all year, and as of May has surpassed the 360's lifetime sales figures.
Not yet. He's in kindergarten. But now I feel like I have to.
I've used an Angry Gandalf Voice to get my son's attention when he's misbehaving.
"The Evil Within is scheduled for Japanese and Western release in 2014 for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC."
I jumped on the "Ramen Burger" bandwagon and made my own. It was pretty tasty. Never thought to use the noodles to make pizza. Might have to give that one a shot.
I'm an American, and being somewhat familiar with Japanese cooking, I know that ramen is not noodles. It is a kind of soup made with a complex broth that often contains noodles.
The Toys R' Us near me closed down and was replaced with a Pet Smart. Therefore, I will be buying all Christmas presents at Pet Smart. Hamsters for everyone!
So, you're basically a super hero.
I once rented Panzer Dragoon ORTA about ten years ago in order to play through it and write a review article. I lived in San Francisco at the time. I was going to school to learn how to design games, and I regularly attended IGDA meetings. There, I got in contact with the editor for a then-popular video gaming…
Yeah... I think she crossed the line a bit there.
Saw this earlier, but what I want to know is what exactly did she say before this that upset him? He says she threatened to release his personal information. All I saw here was what appears to be a refused sale after he failed to produce proper ID, which he went and got anyway.
Looks like they nailed down the look and feel of Bayonetta pretty well.
Oh, yeah. Good eye.