
There was literally nothing wrong with this article. There’s only something wrong with those who feel threatened by it.

Thank you. For those NOT in the know, it’s an in-group, old-style African-American term for a black person with straighter or straight hair. “Good hair” as opposed to “bad hair,” which is (offensively enough) nappier, typically African hair. (“Chili from TLC has ‘good hair’”).I’ve been perplexed by the entire public

What’s with the hot mess Youtube video? He came across as charmingly eccentric UNTIL I WATCHED THAT.

Totally! PLOT! How novel! For all his brilliance, GRRM’s last great book was published in *2000* — A Storm of Swords. WRT later books, the show is the best editor he never had.

1. Those shaky photos are gonna give somebody a seizure! Stop that!
2. “Impetus” not “impetuous” #corrections

Oh no — Percocet :-(

He can be a creative genius and hold bigoted views, which he did. He was a devout Jehova’s Witness. My grandmother was, too, and the nonsense they push is very bigoted. Sorry to break your bubble of deified hero-worship with a value statement.

People are complicated. Complicated people are flawed. I can both grieve his loss as a musician and lament that, in life, he was a bigot. Yes, both are possible.


Bummer about the homophobia. I’m going to call this now: As a Jehova’s Witness, Prince would have refused blood transfusions and any medicine containing blood products (plasma, platelets). That might have killed him.