Michael BB

Too generation-dependent to make any real claims for being timeless laughter. None of my moments were mentioned, because I am 60. Oh, well, back to the Old Drawing Board… identify THAT cartoon moment, and you are as old as I am! MBB

Andrew Garfield? What an absolutely transparent marketing ploy for his unnecessary movie! The current writing is often either so rude as to be more shockingly un-funny than not, or the themes they choose are so media-parody fixated, it is as if the rest of the world, outside of TV and movies, doesn't exist. I liked

Jazz makes anything better. Witness Chick Corea, Manolo Badrena and Wallace Roney with John Mayer on Seth Mayer's show. Lotsa mor-a that-a kind-a stuff would make me very happy. Steve Allen and Johnny Carson were both BIG into jazz musicians. Jazz theme songs, jazz guests, lives of jazz musicians as subject matter,

Religion is not a pop culture deal-breaker, by definition, because religion is NOT pop culture. It is supposed to mean WAY more than that. The problem with it is also that same exact thing, since it means way too much for us to call ourselves 21st Century citizens of the world, and not admit that most of our

Since I want good conversation with my dinner, literally, I would choose Milliway's The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, In the Hitchhiker's Guide Series. "…perhaps something off of my shoulder, braised in red wine… my flank is very tender, as I have been over-eating for several weeks just to make it so…" What