
Another article about renting games you have the option to buy huh? Slow news day?

Subscription services like this don’t chip away at ownership any more than any type of rental policy ever did. Long before Gamepass or Netflix, people were going to rental stores like Blockbuster on a regular basis. Hell, the concept of actually owning a movie is quite recent, as prior to the home VHS market the only

such a shame you can’t buy all the games on game pass if you want

With the Hawkeye title sequence being a gif with no audio, my brain just filled in the Archer theme.

you must be in a state of denial. These fucksticks fumbled the story, pacing, characters/development, dialogue, unresolved plot lines... etc. without the books to go off of, these two are talentless hacks who managed to fail upward. Aren’t these the same two assholes that thought making a show about the south winning

Maybe I’ll write my own.

Without doing any research, I’m going to guess Castle Freak is about a fan of the adventures of Rick Castle and Kate Beckett, and Castle Rock is a Broadway musical about the same characters. Everything’s coming up Castle!

How she found them exactly isn’t answered, unless you assume the “Where’s Fury?” scene at the end of Captain Marvel has already happened before the start of Endgame.

FYI, I’ve gotten a kick out of Feige starting to throw James Gunn under the bus in these same interviews recently. He’s apparently decided to go with the “he wasn’t that important anyway” schtick, which is what someone says about an ex they can’t forget about.

IMO, it all boils down to the terrible writing from Berlanti’s teams, on all his shows. Repetitive soap opera shit, basically, and not what most legitimate actors imagine themselves doing as their career.

That Spider-Armor should be silver!

If it’s consolation, I have a sneaking suspicion that Morbius may do a twofer and kill both Leto’s career as a leading man and Sony’s attempt to widen the Spider-Man-free Spideyverse.

The being exists. Kristen Stewart. Instead of multiple useful personalities she has no personality

I believe it was Nobody Noboderson.

Now playing

“On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it’s the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!”

I’ve never heard of this, but it is amazing, hahaha

Rule of Cool, buddy. The purpose of a movie is to entertain. Just relax the ol’ noggin and have a good time.

Can we please stop adding gate to things. Watergate was the name of the hotel, not Nixon having an issue with water lol

Hot Take: One star is enough. Converse.. 

For anyone interested, Screenrant has a pretty long read that covers most of Disney’s ongoing issues with Guardians of the Galaxy and James Gunn. This particular section sums up why I also feel companies like Disney will need to change how they go about handling PR problems with the proliferation of social media as a