
Where was this “stick to sports” opinion when Brady was openly supporting Trump?
It’s almost like you don’t believe in “stick to sports”, but rather that you believe in “silence opinions I don’t like by any means possible”.

We live in a world where, right or wrong (wrong!), the opinions of celebrities matter a lot.

I’m pretty sure sports reporters asking athletes about politics is the closest they get to “real issues”... You realize an NFL beat writer can just tell his boss “I’m done covering the NFL, I’m off to South Sudan to see how they’re settling in to new countryhood, right?
Jesus, the “logic” you people come up with is

Nor is a reporter asking Tom Brady a question wrong. So, why is that they have to leave him alone?


Complaining about Brady is exactly like complaining about Kapernick, because Trumpers LOVE false equivalence.

That same mental strength that said “I sorta don’t feel like playing in two years of my prime”? What drive!

America is a pretty racist country. ANd they elected a guy who gave them license to be a little more racist in public. It’s not a mystery.

You’re just an agent of obfuscation. It seems like every time I read a pointlessly pedantic comment I glance up and see your name.

You don’t care about about America killing innocent people in the middle east.

Bullshit. Respect if funding the VA. Respect is not getting a boner for war that kills soldiers.

guy with Trump in his name has dumb take news at7

you cantell when a troll realy gets pwned when they actually shut up. lol