Drive-By Bus Drivers

Person A: I disagee with Baio.

Person B: Yeah, but he has freedom of speech.

Person A: I know. I never said he wasn’t allowed to talk.

Person B: But, I mean he should be allowed to express his opinion.

Person A: So, what you’re saying is: It would be unfair to tell someone to shut up?

Damn Hollywood elites. Why should anyone listen to them?

- guy who voted for a movie star in the 80s, a reality TV star in the 2010s, and loves the work Heston, Nugent, Eastwood, and now Chaci do in the political realm.

This is the one that pisses me right the fuck off.

Is it just me...or is “you need to grow up” the new “I hate drama”.

The instant I hear either, I immediately know the opposite is true.