Always great to hear people who’ve evidently never smoked pot hold forth on its effects.
Grand Juries will indict a fucking ham sandwich for being vegan.
or maybe learn how to use your car before you drive it, this is no different than the women who blamed Mercedes for her getting stuck on railroad tracks and getting hit by a train because she couldnt figure out the shifter
Well I’m not tripping with you, Mr. Cranky.
This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.
If only all UCLA’s players could overcome their parents.
Actually I’m well over my quota for the week, but I figured this would be a fun little post for the weekend. Sorry you had to suffer through it.
Wait a second! I didn’t get an email notification from beIN! (When you’re writing down so many series, it’s super easy to forget when one is on.) This keeps happening and I don’t know why. Let me email them.
Or, if you fancy some close racing, there’s always MotoGP ;)
None of these actually counted because Danubio rage quit in the 81' minute.
Messi’s second hits the back of the net before the keeper can move. And that shit bounced. WTF.
Tony Stark did that, too. In a cave. With a box of scrap parts.
if putting up stats for a garbage team is your thing, then sure Saric>Brogdon. If being the current 3rd or 4th best player on a playoff team is more your thing, then Brogdon>>>>>>>>>Saric
Kirby Puckett with breasts.
I’m laughing through my Texan fan tears.
The internet is a series of tubes...
I love the batshit grandeur of Chronicles of Riddick between the all-star cast and the costumes and the art deco set design.
Am I the only one who loved the Riddick movies (especially Pitch Black)?