87CE 95PV Type Я

You can tell the cop is pissed when they get out of their vehicle right away. I do not blame them, this person is a utter twit!


Do not know if I would say ghetto economics, just economics in general. Reminds me of a scrap place I go to that does not take whole shopping carts, but will take ones that are cut up. They take the mangled (from snow plows, cars, etc) carts I bring in and some other stuff that may look suspicious, but is perfectly

Sure are making it rain up in here with this modern day Robin Hood-like character! I assume the numbers on the bills are written down somewhere so that could make it hard to spend.

Now playing

Shucks, I will be in Oklahoma heading to California in 2-3 weeks. Wish I could see this convoy

Well that cannot be avoided where I work and things do happen, but this year was a sausage fest. Few years back one of the male counselor's ex girlfriends came as a camper and whatever they did got them fired.

Having been a camp counselor these actions do not surprise me. Some of the girl and campers were creepy (stalkers) like this even to counselors, but it was mainly the 12-17 year olds. One of the girl campers also had the bad habit of crying sex offender so we guys had to make triply sure to keep our distance.

My folks buy a new vehicle every 10 years or so with some used ones sprinkled inbetween so 9-11 did nothing to influence our car buying decision since we already had 3 vehicles at the time and the Saab did not die until 02/03.

Yea, young males and females have rather high insurance rates that drop as they age.

Oh ok thanks for the info.

*slinks away with tail between legs*

Exactly, this car is a joke and to a degree so are the beliefs on the vehicle. If you want smaller government then passing laws restricting activities you do not like is just the opposite of what you are preaching.

Nope, I do not care for the rims and other than the fact this question is silly that Mustang is not all that safe.

Here I will quote an excerpt from your article.

Maaahzduh? I always said Mahzduh. Weird add indeed because my aunt loved her stick shift MX-6.

Here in New York's Southern Tier rust from the bottom up is the biggest enemy. Bad weather, freak accidents, critters in the road, nature, and rough roads are also a doozy to vehicles.

Clever way to hold a bike, but holy gosh dang that is a hooptie if I ever saw one though I have been in worse and seen worse vehicles here in New York.

Sure did, one of my college classmates removed one of the wiper arms when they did not want to buy a 4th wiper and then the wiper motor died.

I thought the Dustbusters were totally different from the later Ventures and Uplanders. My mind has been blown.

Subpar and pathetic pieces of General Motors rubbish must never come back otherwise the company will go down the shitter again. Seriously, I had a 99 Venture as a Drivers' Ed vehicle and everyday it made me wish for the family's 95 Voyager or sometimes the 05 Sedona.