So much for stopping and helping your Comrades, guess Communism is not all it is cracked up to be.
I thought Nelson Rockefeller was dead by 1975 because he had a heart attack while cheating on Happy. I might have my years mixed up though.
Not sure who Cheryl Cole is, but I may be having a dumb moment. Anyway, sure glad that was not my vehicle and I am not surprised the airbags did not go off since they could not have crashed going that fast right?
Well this is good info to know. The most exotic fuel I have put in my vehicle is Ethanol free 91 Octane.
Well that sure is a cool looking Porsche and the owner appears to be having a bunch of fun. I wonder if those axillary lights are a combination of Fog and Driving Lights?
I see the cries of "Insurance Scam!" have already been yelled so I do not have to do it.
Wow, look at all that shitty driving, you would think they were Coloradoans or something like that.
Well an ATS Estate sure would come in handy if there was not a Cruze Estate since you can load up the back with whatever your heart desires. Either that or get a trailer for the too messy and/or large items.
I see nothing wrong with this if it is done properly which it looks like it has been.
Hell no, I would drive to El Paso and stare into Mexico with Binoculars, but that is it for going to Mexico.
What a piece of shit you are. It is unfortunate Jalopnik has become more popular because there are more and more shitty people like you coming here and adding nothing positive to this place. By the way, if you are laughing because you thought you pissed me off you are wrong you racist son of a gun.
All Irene did to Central New York was rain a lot. All I did to prepare was close the vehicles' windows, tape a tarp over the plastic storage shed, and position 30 or so buckets to catch all the rain water possible. I will admit that raining for over 12 hours straight did get a bit tiresome.
Do you know the year of your Voyager and the engine type? I am driving to Cali later this year and like to know what I might have to deal with.
Agreed about the ground clearance and I almost never do burn outs due to the shitty transmission.
Sorry to hear that and I hope you do find a life or at least figure out ways to start approaching having a life.
I have no life that is why I do burn outs in a Minivan and know trivial facts like fender badges.
I did not realize the gun laws were lax enough in Oregon to allow AR-15s. Anyway, if you are going to burn out please use copious amounts of common sense before doing so. The 478 FOG license plate does make me chuckle and I have been reading Curbside Classics for so long I almost forgot there were 21st Century…