This is nice to read about and hope they keep having fun. Stay safe out there!
This is nice to read about and hope they keep having fun. Stay safe out there!
What would you do to stop that, a RPG? It is more dumb luck that no one was hurt, the police were just following the Tank.
Crazy Eights aka CSXT 8888 about ten years ago.
This is a great choice indeed and hope it makes the list!
I would like to do a variation on Janis Joplin's Porsche and/or John Lennon's Rolls Royce one of these day's. Maybe use a Caddy Escalade.
Oh ok and sorry for being snippy since I obviously did not think of that. According to the Internet the last of the Graffiti was removed in 1989 and today the Subway System looks more decent.
1st Gear: Now that is interesting, but what if we do not want all the fancy stuff, do we still have to get used to it? Least there are alternatives if you want to kick it Amish style in your vehicle.
Think it was a bit hotter than that where I was working or at least it felt like it wit the 90% humidity.
Oh good sarcasm, that dirt was hard as cement even with a Pickax.
Like a well worn 2 dolla bill, literally 43 states and counting, but 10 Minutes in Arizona does not count so more like 30.
Talk about a lack of sidewall, sheesh, that is bad.
I know you are trying to be helpful, but you just stated something to this New Yorker that is as obvious as the nose on his face. I knew it was easier to find photos of graffitied rail cars by looking up NYC Ls so that is what I did.
Thanks Colorado Quattro!
If he does not, hope there is not LA Riot-like situation.
Oh please, I am from New fooking Yawk, that was my first Dixie Summer, EVAH. Until then I had managed to stay out of that place from March-October.
I still blame her, see my above comment.
Oh come on it is not that hot. I spent days digging a trench with a shovel for a water main outside of Orange, TX in June/July. I actually kept my clothes on the whole time though occasionally removed my shirt and soaked it with the hose I was using to soften the ground.
Alright, I stated my case and you yours, there is a slight difference of opinion and I will leave it at that.