Yea, Republic of Ireland! Wait, this is in NYC? Oh of course, Ireland does not have a Subway.
Yea, Republic of Ireland! Wait, this is in NYC? Oh of course, Ireland does not have a Subway.
Wait, the T&C is dead? Wait, who is Justin Berkowitz? Anyway, I am apathetic about the T&C since it is so fancy, but it is also a 1996+ Chrysler so I just assume everything will fall apart sooner than later all while making you bankrupt.
No TV reception here.
Welcome to Jalopnik Ms. Maynard.
I usually do not get to see older trucks here in New York so those are the ones I notice most. Weird that one has a Blue Oval, thought FoMoCo did not reintroduce those until the mid-late 1980s.
Wait, doesn't it just follow the landscape or am I missing a joke?
Ah yes, memories, nice to have them.
Did not realize West Virginia had much of a Meth issue, shucks.
Oh, over there.
Thank you for the information!
The overlooking bit would not surprise me. The Corolla Hatchbacks did catch my eye because those are not sold over here.
Oooooh, I get it now.
Ha, that is what you get for living in Washington and going to a grocery store. I can get that stuff cheaper from my local Syrup Dealer in the alley behind the book store.
Ahh, ok, think I remember seeing bunches of those somewhere in GA.
True that, I live less than an hour away from that place.
So, what state and town are you leaving to come to Ithaca?
Ahh, ok. Drive into Quebec a lot?
The Meth has me assuming Missouri.
Houses do not look fancy enough for the Woodlands.