John Shan

I’ve been a VSB commenter and such since 2009, and I’m positive you only discovered VSB through The Root, which makes you New and not familiar to how Long Time VSB Commenters Get Down.

There wasn’t any issue with Damon’s article from the get go, and the critiques of the title are like White Folks doing the “there’s a better way to protest/get your message across” BS towards Black folks. Every Other Way to speak out in support Black Women FAILED to Register (much) so he went Champ on folks. You two

These Fools out here showing off their Hotepery make me feel bad for the world at large, and why BLM has a longer road with Internal Community Strife than Racists opposing the group and the message as a whole.

Definitely the episode is one that everybody who isn’t a Virgin can say they been or has/had a friend that is like Lawrence, Molly or Issa