
Don't forget Ginger, the human transporter that revolutionized how cities were designed! Tesla is taking 100% of Ginger's market share!

Got me in my feelings 

Did you miss the part where the author spent several paragraphs explaining how Musk promises things but doesn’t deliver before complaining about the lack of coverage about something Musk promised?

Tesla. Over priced, too ambitious, pedo, range anxiety, cult, Twitter, stock crash, not actually profitable, bankrupt soon, quality issues, cars built in tents, charges too slow. Did I get everything? 

3rd gear - his bail was somewhere in the range of 15 million US dollars. His escape, purely through speculation (not mine, but ICPO), is estimated at around 32-35 million US dollars.  At the moment, his actual net worth is unclear, but obviously enough to throw away $15 million and spend that much to escape.  Also,

It’s still kinda weird that revenues only grew 2% over year prior and all the profit came from “selling EV credits”, not “actually building cars”.

TSLA is being day traded. This is not a stock for investing your 401k into.

1st Gear - As a cautious investor, I shy away from TSLA the same was I shy away from crypto. There is no sound reason for Tesla’s current rise and valuation. Sure, some gambled and a reaping the rewards. Good for them. I suspect the larger buyers will be cashing out shortly and we will see the other side of the hill.

Newborn babies have legs but cannot walk. They are still feature complete!

Normally I’d say this is another case of why you never fucking announce something until it’s close to shipping. But this is the exception since Tesla’s revenue and stock price are 98% or more dependent on grandiose announcements to distract from the last announcement being vapor.

Feature complete? To say the Tesla software can navigate its self through streets and maybe not fuck it all up, is to say that the car cannot safely drive its self. Wouldn’t the feature have to be safe to be complete?

So when is Musk going to team up with (read: buy out) Paul Moller and actually produce a flying car already?

Renault is backing off its attempt to swallow Nissan

Neutral: The nuclear powered car.

See, you can't do that.  Applying logic to the situation will lose you money.  It's all emotionally driven at this point.

Tesla is a mixed bag that somehow makes money....

These are the one Jeep model that has to be modified to make it not look terrible. Once modified they start looking better. 

They are cartoonishly long; it’s quite disarming seeing one in person as it’s rolling by like some fever dream Wrangler limo.

I agree, after the hype died down, and they were off the car show roundtable and in Philly traffic, they looked cheap and bland.