“When did it become OK to abuse early adopters?”
“When did it become OK to abuse early adopters?”
Not mentioned here is that Porshe’s network is just a bunch of CCS chargers. That’s the same charger that every other EV but the Leaf uses these days. Even Tesla makes a CCS adapter in Europe.
If it ended up looking like that picture, I’d seriously consider getting one.
I’ve got a deposit on one and despite sending neat literature on it every couple of months I am not going to get excited until I see the final production form.
I imagine these will sell really well in Norway as there are over 40,000 Teslas there and the service times are reportedly atrocious.
Spend the proper maintenance money on them, and they are reliable. Be the idiot who buys a neglected one third-hand, and you get what you pay for.
You actually think the price of a 911 has any relation to it’s production cost? The margins in those things are yuuuuuge. Because they CAN.
Why? A high percentage of 911 are still on the road 55 years later.
What’s funny about that? They are fairly reliable and make for absolutely great daily’s and track day machines. Porsche knows what they’re doing, imo. Classics are still on the road today. With given fair treatment and care, any car can be on the road for longer.
Why did that crack you up? I’ve bought 3 20 year old Porsche before and never had a concern.
In addition to the S design being pretty stale by now there are a lot of reports of first gen owners, hooked on EVs, but tired of broken door handles and seeping gooey screens now looking for a serious manufacturer to bring a real product to market. A lot of Taycan will sell to premium Model S owners switching back…
It’s simply ludicrous that there’s so much demand pent up, Pedoman
Porsche has already increased scheduled production output for the sedan to 40,000 units annually in preparation for the surge.
Then you need to stop behaving and speaking like a boogeyman.
perhaps her skills are looking beutiful and having a fun personality... this is streaming here... entertainment, not a video game competition.. shes just playing to her benefits
what does “legitimate streamer mean??? does it mean they are really good at the game??? because that is definelty not why people watch sreams.. its a combination of the player (how they ;look, what the present of themselves) their character ( are they funny, do the have an awesome persona) and the last little bit is…
what does “legitimate streamer mean??? does it mean they are really good at the game??? because that is definelty not why people watch sreams.. its a combination of the player (how they ;look, what the present of themselves) their character ( are they funny, do the have an awesome persona) and the last little bit is…
I think directing shame at people should be reserved for the people who are intentionally hurting others.
Men need to realize. If the tiddy, butt, face, eyes, clothes, and womb of a woman ain’t hurting you, just let it go. Go have a coke and a smile and do something else.