
While I agree with your points, I believe the hype is $60,000 mid engine Corvette.

I think the fact that you could buy 6-7 of them for the price of a GT may be factoring into it.

Now that blue one from the 70s is down right sexy. Wish that one would have panned out.

You might reconsider your values if you are that concerned.

counterpoint: no one needs or can realistically use 1000hp. gtfo of here w/that craziness. 

“This car is going to be so popular and successful that I’m worried people won’t want it.”

I still think the wound from the massacre is too fresh. 

I’ll offer the contrary opinion that there is plenty of room for a convertible version of this car and not to make one would be foolish. One of the biggest reasons to do this is that with the targa top off and stowed it impacts the trunk’s storage space. This convertible would not only let people get open air motoring

Should be an entire week if you ask me. The fact that they made that gorgeous thing only $60k is insane. 

Food trucks are awesome. There was nothing better than getting a bacon, egg and cheese on a hoagie roll on my way to class in the morning for freaking $3. Without food trucks that wouldn’t be possible due to overhead of a traditional brick and mortar store.

I’m holding my enthusiasm until I get the sincere, unpaid opinions of Chevrolet’s Real People.

This was one of the things to really grab my attention from the announcement. (After the price, of course.) Little stuff like this, little integrations between existing systems, can be so powerful. I love this idea. Simple to implement, and it removes an annoyance to owners. Well done on this one GM.


That doesn’t come across as Fred’s intended meaning at all. You may want to reread his post?

As usual, you’re wrong. I would absolutely eat the hell out of whatever vegan free-range single-origin taco cupcakes come out of that. (Okay, maybe not cupcakes. Cupcakes are trash.)

Easy to maintain, will run forever, low floor height, and easy to park compared to other options. 

No one is going to agree with you, because your premise is stupid. Food trucks allow people who have amazing ideas and ability to bring food to the public square, people who 95 times out of 100 don’t have the capital or ability to borrow a sufficient amount to establish a traditional restaurant. So have fun at Golden

No, you didn’t.

You must not live in a big city. Food Trucks are amazing when you work downtown Boston. They park on the greenway and there are different ones most days so you can get some variety.

“Don’t use this vehicle for its intended use - as a work vehicle.”