I’m just gonna take a second to reaffirm how much I love these weird, useless fucking things. I still regret not buying one 5 years ago that only had 70K on the clock.
I’m just gonna take a second to reaffirm how much I love these weird, useless fucking things. I still regret not buying one 5 years ago that only had 70K on the clock.
Say the people who’ve probably never been in a war and haven’t seen dying and death first hand. Seriously people, this is not COD. There are ramifications beyond let’s just blow stuff because we can.
In the middle east that would be Saudi Arabia, not Iran.
You’re 30 and consider that “ getting old?”
Could have made a true rsx, rally sports xperimental
Not true. I do a lot of vintage rallies and these kinds of tires are making a big splash in the community. Despite the article’s title these vintage style tires have excellent ride quality and handling properties which I have experienced first hand over thousands of miles. I actually like them so much I’m going to buy…
I really want that but it would be my 3rd car and currently am in an apartment. I really need to get my own place but my must haves pretty much exclude all neighborhoods and would technically count as a warehouse.
I think you should add a vote for ‘Too high price on an otherwise interesting car.’ We know people list cars at prices much higher than they actually expect them to sell for. It seems like more and more the answer here is ‘CP because of the price’. Or maybe you could put in a box where people entered what they thought…
What the hell was this guy thinking? Oh well, no time to think about that. I’ve got to get back to building K.I.T.T. out of a Ford Probe and a General Lee out of a Nissan Maxima.
10/17/2018: Jeff Bezos buys old Rangie for shits and giggles
I know it is exactly counter to your intent, but this is the first time I’ve ever felt any appreciation for the Kardashians. If more attractive sluts is their legacy, I’m on board. The family seems otherwise insufferable, but I’m not against anyone looking good or having as much sex as they want.
I’m told to follow this twitter for a possible announcement of it possibly being for sale:
“Stupid” is the wrong word. In some sense he’s a genius at reading a certain kind of person and telling them what they want to hear.
This is a good comment.
Swap the head gaskets, throw a turbo on the engine that’s in it. Make 3000gt hp with more torque, without the need to swap.
I’ve had a 91' GMC Jimmy 2 door and a 96' Dodge Ram club cab 4x4 pickup. After those two I’ve sworn I never wanted another truck of with style. Especially a pick up since everyone want to borrow it or get you to move their junk.
He’s only failed if you think the purpose of the deal-making was to improve the situation for the manufacturing industries in North America.