

Who knew that this kind of protectionist measures would have unwanted consequences ?

I think the Z06 owners are just upset because they didn’t know that they would be dealing with “limp mode” problems with their phallic enhancers as well.

To click, you just honk the Citicar’s horn.

Sorry, didn’t look at all the 50 comments before posting, I just read about 30 of them

No you’re wrong

You made a fitting Call of Duty reference. You get a star.

How many headshots do I need to unlock the blue camo?

Man, this is so much cooler than their regular livery. I hope all the surveys I’m seeing with people overwhelmingly voting to keep it works.

Also, the other Jalopnik editors thought this was too terrible to include in the actual post but here’s my mediocre Photoshop render of what the 4Runner should look like, approximately in Voodoo blue.

Chuckle. Grew up in Ohio and my dad had a RoverTC2000 that he’d brought over from Europe after being stationed there in the Navy. “I need a part for a Rover...” “uh, Land Rover?!” and it went downhill from there. Weird Brit stuff will break the parts counter POS.

I’d imagine with a 60+ year old British car you need patience and creativity, even when you have the exact part...

There are lots of generic parts that the brick and mortar stores carry that will not show up in the database.

Same issue - I need a couple spark plugs and a couple of bulbs for brake/tail lights, and an in-line fuse for my 2005 Ural (Russian motorcycle).
me: I need two spark plugs, part number[nnnnnn]
Him: what year is it?
me: it’s not in your system, and even if it is you won’t have the factory part
him: I bet it’s in here. We

Truer words never spoken.

Couldn’t have said it better. If someone is looking for a “Comfortable” vehicle, they’re not looking for an engine swap. This is especially the case when swapping engines across different manufacturers.

I am happy to pay my National Insurance contributions and would be happy for it to increase to be safe in the knowledge that when my daughters have babies, or get sick, or if I need more medical care, I don’t have to bankrupt myself just to get the help I need.

I’m so glad you wrote this. I wish more politicians could be forced to read stories like yours so that they understand what the difference is like between having good insurance, and shitty insurance or no insurance. Republicans will still claim, “Oh, nobody dies in this country because they don’t have insurance.”

Used the wrong phone.