
Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.

That can be said about just about any group you want to get opinions from. I didn’t vote (moving to another state at the time of the election), and would have voted for Hillary if I had, but this overly dramatic need to write about how the world is going to end or how horrible people think Trump is has already gotten

Interesting take, Nathan Grayson, or, as you’re better known, Jim Sterling.

He was busy protecting his own girlfriend, pictured here:

We didn’t have online multiplay back then so we couldn’t harm anyone but ourselves...

How does this back an argument against that. The Rio rape involved a victim who didn’t wish to consent, this involved one who for all the perpetrators would know consented but was underage.

He’s 16, she’s 15, and by all accounts it was consensual.

Shit, this breaks my heart.

This looks like an aside on Parks and Rec.

Look at this guy, trying to apply physics and relativity to Star Wars. You get no stars.

I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.

Now playing

I am going to play devil advocate but if they want to take their supercars on a cross China road trip and the cars get damaged than why does it matter. If they are enjoying the road trip and having fun then that is all that really matters. They should have used Porsche 911's though. I would not have trusted a Ferrari

How dare she push for something that she was contractually entitled to, how dare she. I’m sure she probably was an asshole in other ways, but I’m on her side in not letting them slide on those ones.