Yes, state run media is always the hallmark of a free country

“And if she did go to a sperm bank...then she must be looking to get pregnant.”

Except when a man donates sperm to a sperm bank he is consenting for his sperm to be used in this manner.

1. Basically your only remotely valid point in this whole post. So, 17 out of 50 states provides funds for abortion. Good for them. I didn’t know this.

Since you are obviously too dense to understand my subtle correction, no, I have never killed a baby. Fetus does not equal baby. Hey, you’re welcome for the education!

Tell him to get in line.

GA AD - “What is this list?”

“Only a woman can control her ABILITY to get pregnant.”

1. Taxes are not used to pay for abortions in the US. I don’t know about other countries, but women in the US receive no government assistance for abortions. So, already, your point is invalid. But allow me to also point out further why your comparison is idiotic.

Men rape women all the damn time. Those women don’t have a choice in whether or not to get pregnant. And yet idiot men like you would deny those women the right to stop being pregnant. Fuck off loser. It is not your body. It is not your choice. Don’t want babies? Have a fucking vasectomy.

As an early childhood educator, I’ve actually had parents (men and women) tell me they are happy to have had sons instead of daughters because their sons will never come home pregnant.

Men have several options to help “control” a woman’s ability to get pregnant, most notably the condom. A man could also choose not to have sex with a woman who refuses to let him wear a condom and/or does not take birth control for whatever reason. A man could also take more drastic contraceptive measures (vasectomy,

Bless your heart.

I have a “friend” who became a parent of two beautiful girls in the past couple of years. And by “friend” I mean we used to bone as much as possible. And one thing that I’ve noticed is that since he’s become a parent of girls, somehow he’s now very much AGHAST at how much sex teens are having. When I pointed out how

So by your exact logic, simply swapping “men” and “women” and the relevant verbs, you’re saying,

I’ll vote with my labia if it means wrapping it around that hot lever

It can be...

I recently heard news about a friend of a friend’s little sister, who’s in high school. She’d gotten pregnant, and was hiding it from everyone until late into her second trimester. She tried to go to the hospital by herself to get care, but she didn’t know that you had to pay to see the doctor.

let me fix this just a little bit:

Here here! This is basically the same argument that really conservative religious people use to control women all the time: “Men can’t control themselves, so cover your cleavage if you don’t want to make them rape you.” I’ve always felt like that line of thinking was disrespectful to the vast majority of men who