Yep. "I choose to believe..." begins all the most silly sentences. That said, I was surprised by your invocation of free will at the end. Assuming that we have free will, what we believe is one of the things unaffected by it (except in the tangential sense that one can choose to expose oneself to evidence/experiences

He's also 6'2 and an awesome boyfriend.

This point is really obnoxious to me, but it wasn't, for a long time, clear to me *why* it bothered me so much, except for the obvious victim-blaming implication inherent in any attempt to regulate the behavior of potential rape victims, and the attempt to take an omniscient stance, conveniently allowed because

Ugh. Whenever people bring up taxi drivers and safety, I feel a need to share what happened to me. When I was 14, I was raped and kidnapped for maybe 8 hours. From sometime in the evening until I managed to escape around dawn. I jumped into the first cab I saw, and into the front seat because that door was the closest

Ugh, (1) I don't know Canadien laws so, huh? (2) Jez/trolling/something/something/sexual assault = rape? What? (3) "Unsightly view of countries"? Haha. That's kind of funny.

This is one of those stories I read, calmly ponder, open the links, and then, suddenly, realize my face is wet.

Yeah, picky. I haven't met 640 people who I would date (I'm actually fanatically picky about that), but sleep with? EASILY.

No. That's the one thing you don't need a list for, because you're not going to forget.

The vast majority of girls posting for nsa sex on Craigslist are whores, esp. those posting in "casual encounters." But if you post & look in the romantic dating section (I forget what it's called) you'll find non-pros, and some of them will definitely be looking for sex up front.

:) I was about to post either: No, but I'm still in my twenties, or No, but a girl can dream.

That was my first reaction too, but I think she mentioned it because women are always told that the way they dress influences the behavior of harrasers, and that they could stop harassment by dressing differently. And so women say, again and again, that they get harassed in sweat pants, in winter coats, etc. There's

She passed the bar in NY. Just not the first time.

Haha. Yeah. When I was a 16 year old anorexic I was unaware of these sorts of sites and all alone in it. I can't imagine (I really can't) how different it would have been for me if I'd been part of an ED community.

Yeah, echoing avilasquare — the ana/mia communities work hard to portray EDs as lifestyle choices, not diseases or disorders. Glorifying them, for most teenagers, requires the illusion that they're sustainable and not deadly.

Stop reading Jezebel.

Anne-Marie Slaughter (Director of Policy Planning at State until 2011) is saying that her sources tell her Sec Clinton will be fine.

It would be considered evidence of rape if the tear was fresh. But they're looking for various other things as well, such as the presence of old tears. These are taken as evidence of habitual sexual activity, and you know, sluts lie about rape/can't be raped, etc.

The point of the test is not just to determine if the hymen has been torn (or "broken"). It's to determine if tears are fresh or old; if the hymen is damaged enough to indicate habitual intercourse or undamaged enough to indicate that any penetration that occurred was a one-off. Ironically, a hymen that is too intact

That's awesome. I danced seriously up until college, took a few years off, and then went back. It was amazing. Terrifying, painful (emotionally more than physically), and exhilarating. You have muscle memories of how things should be done, but your body simply cannot do them. That was the hardest part for me. And

We can't say that orphans in all countries are "automatically" worse off than American orphans. But we can look at country-specific evidence and make an assessment.