Skin cancer!!!1!! We'll all have to pay your healthcare costs. You will never land a man if you don't take care of your skin! Why were you so thoughtless. Lobster! Lobster!

(1) No one is arguing that extreme obesity isn't correlated with some health problems. So? You're misunderstanding the "you don't know how healthy she is" card. What that means is: you don't know the relative health of two individuals if all you consider is body size. What it does NOT mean is: all things being equal

I said EXTREMELY overweight for a reason.

Why does every article that mentions obesity turn in to such a shitshow? Don't we ALL agree on the following?

If you try really, really hard, reread the article half a dozen times, do you think you can find the answer to that yourself?

Yeah, let's ignore anti-choice groups, racist groups, etc. instead of ridiculing their idiocy. If we expect a group to be bad, why argue against them? Why counter them, culturally, with a different message, if the particular members of those groups aren't going to be converted?

I haven't read the book, but codified dating advice in general reminds me of codified dieting advice: these books just monetize shit everyone already knows. Have a full life. Don't stalk the person you're dating. Eat healthy food and exercise.

Unless the guy has annoyed me, I always offer to pay. I never offer to split — I think that's horribly crass. I like it when a man says no and insists on paying... it's just part of flirting, a way of saying "I like you." If he pays, I say that I'll get it next time, and I do.

Late 20s is too late for any marriage or just arranged marriage? Which culture? Just curious.

I was getting annoyed by everyone sharing their personal experiences, so of course I decided to share my own.

I've never had a baby and don't want one. But in terms of how hard it is, my mom happily and easily lugged 6 month old me and my 3 year old sister off to new citizenship and then to live in half a dozen countries before either of us were ten. She wore good perfume and pursued her PhD during this time. I'm saying this

It doesn't sound hard exactly, just tedious, obnoxious and soul-destroying. Why do people do this to themselves again?

Redacted—should have clicked on the Daily Beast piece first. Anyway, I recommend that people read the actual article from Foreign Policy's Sex Issue.

Yeah, I'm gathering that it was huge! I'm actually in my late 20s so part of the demographic that knows that show, but I didn't watch TV growing up (nor did most people in my community, so it wasn't talked about).

My boy Nikita: Niki, Niki Baby, Baby Cat, Baby Cattie, Nikit-cat, Kit Kat, Khrushchev (when I'm mad).

Yeah, point taken.

The article says "At its core, Flesch-Kincaid equates higher grade levels with longer words and longer sentences." So not syntactic complexity, though that's likely correlated with longer sentences.

I think some of these people acknowledge this. I've commonly heard the line that gay people can't always control their thoughts/feelings/etc. but they can control their behavior — that it's one of those "daily struggles" between good and evil.

It makes a lot more sense if they were reading the lyrics. It was just so odd to me — the host said, everyone knows this song, I thought, bullshit, and then everyone knew the song. (I'm terrible with American pop culture.)

I'm not kidding. The name strikes a bell, and the tune seemed slightly familiar, but that's it. But it was a kids' show, wasn't it? A teen show? Why was it so influential?