In terms of drugstore choco, I'm into dove bars. So creamy!

But... you applied because you want to do the work...?

Violet is a beautiful name! It's so elegant and feminine without being trendy. Love love love.

How do you indicate sexual predilections on OKC in a way that won't bite you in the ass if your coworkers/enemies see your profile?

Some of us are up. Is your baby's name Violet?

Chemistry is major. Everyone knows that. But there's a period when you're figuring out if it's there, and if the guy is worth seeing if it's there for.

I don't have any links or anything. My experiences with fisting are pretty similar to yours.

My skin is sensitive — I have the delightful mix of dry, oily, and sensitive. This is quite mild. It might make you peel at first. But if you stick with it and follow the instructions it makes your face look like a baby's bum.

Here's what I would do. Drink with him. Try to kiss him — really go for it. If he backs away, say "oh, I'm sorry, blah blah" and BLAME IT ON THE ALCOHOL. You have your answer.

Oh honey. Don't open those floodgates.

Have you tried hitting on him? I don't know if I'd recommend it, seeing as he's your neighbor, but does he know you want it?

Neutrogena Acne Therapy System. Seriously. When I was younger it worked BRILLIANTLY. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I don't have acne anymore, but I still use it when I want to improve my skin texture. It's a pain in the ass, because you're basically wearing a light mask at night. But it works like nothing on

Ha! Much of my grad work was in phil language and phil mind.

Share with your bunny! If you're lucky enough to have a bunny to share with, you SHARE.

So you're my competition?

Thank you! That's actually really helpful! I don't know why this is so hard for me. I guess I've seen too many resumes that say crap, like "good at teamwork" and I just can't stand making assertions about myself that can't be verified.

Linguistics classes, or is your username a tease?

Ugh. I'm sorry. That's a lot to deal with at 26.

I need a boyfriend. I just figured that out. I cannot do the whole single thing anymore. Specifically, my sexual needs can't be met by one-night stands, and they can't be met by men who I don't admire (FWBs, etc.). I need an ongoing relationship with a smart, funny, dominant, and highly verbal guy.

But I can't get the whole spinning thing down. Not about that in particular, but WHERE do you indicate skills you've learned on a resume? All I can figure out how to do is LIST my degrees, jobs, etc.