I don't know. I agree that reading something is better than reading nothing. But reading crap instead of reading books that are more challenging can be criticized, perhaps, as a waste of time (in the same way that one could criticize someone who watches reality TV all day). Also, exposing yourself over and over again

Yep, that's the Kirov, and 1934 is the year of his assassination. (I'm really interested in certain types of assassinations, and his was a prototype for others that came later in the 20th C.)

I've gotten the impression that admitting one likes chick lit/sugary pop music/etc. is fashionable among jezzies, so I really doubt you'll be judged for that here. Except by me. I'm a literary snob and I AM JUDGING YOU.

Does anyone have recommendations for websites that will teach me how to make a resume? I can make a CV and show off academic achievements, but I don't know what kind of disingenuous crap one is supposed to put on a resume meant for the so-called real world.

The only chick lit I've read (well, read and remembered) is Valley of the Dolls, but you've probably already read that.

I didn't see that one coming. Even after ihateemo said "No more bitchy than usual."

No, you didn't make things worse at all! I really liked talking to you.

I want to apologize to anyone I was rude to on GT last night. I was really upset about something personal, pretty drunk, and possibly quite bitchy.

But what about students who don't have stellar grades because they're not bright? Should universities be forced to admit them anyway and then offer dumbed-down versions of their courses?

And it's a permanent mark for 24-year-old Rihanna? Is there evidence for this?

Huh? Someone is saying Rihanna is "the worst person ever"? White ladies don't get slut-shamed? Are you high?

Right. Slut-shaming exists. It shouldn't. Hence the article.

If you take away the Chris Brown stuff (getting back with him, etc.), what stupid, irresponsible shit does she do?

Did someone ever say that?

So, again, the headline means nothing. People aren't necessarily OPTING for anything over any other thing because there's no evidence that people know that these mattresses suck for sex. So... why did I read this? Why was it written?

The issue isn't the price. It's the big bad word SURGERY with the connotation of removing an 8 month old fetus from its mom with KNIVES AND SCISSORS.

Is that a bad joke?

"It's also unspecified whether these women took RU486; they may not have even had surgery." WHAT DIFFERENCE IS IT SUPPOSED TO MAKE?

So you've rejoined your 8-year-old self in recognizing coolness when you can smell its gunpowder? How many PC, pacifist years intervened?

Could you send me the study? I did much of my PhD work in philosophy of literature and this article is on the brink of causing a conniption fit.