Never heard of applying cosmoline to a modern car’s exterior....there is no need for that at all on a brand new car. Drivetrain, wheels, chassis sure, but not the exterior....seems a little strange, like this was staged.
Never heard of applying cosmoline to a modern car’s exterior....there is no need for that at all on a brand new car. Drivetrain, wheels, chassis sure, but not the exterior....seems a little strange, like this was staged.
Love it, housing is still pricey and the job market is tough in Montana though, lots of people move here regardless because the fishing/skiing/outdoors makes it worth the tradeoff. CO is great too though, and way more job options.
I do.
You won the internet today good sir.
Hope it works out. Sucks but sometimes it’s better to buy a place, I got tired of this sorta BS and bought my first house at 27. the very least he should pay for your hotel/meal expense whilst you’re unable to use your place for 3 days....
Come on bruh they’re made to jump, not tow.
Human decency during a natural disaster is inversely proportional to population density. See Hurricane Katrina.
Oh look the wool over your eyes prevented you from seeing the author started out by making this political. So precious.
So all major cities have the same percentage of blight? Inter-dasting.
I don’t think Detroit is a shithole, I think the area has a blight problem that they need to take care of.
HAHAHA a google search for Pontiac Blight has a lot of hits.....
Maybe you’re unaware that Detroit metro is all connected? Google maps is your friend.
“I guess you have never encountered the word ‘law’. As in, it’s the law and it should be enforced repealed or ignored because the city has bigger issues to focus on than cars parked in parking lots… BLIGHT.”
Links for all!
HAHA we’re talking about Metro Detroit, of which Pointiac is well within the borders. Did you think Detroit blight is only within the actual city limit of Detroit itself? Where are you from, rural North Dakota?
Completely agreed. Now if these municipalities would focus on solutions instead of lawsuits about parking lots with parked cars, they may actually get something done?
Yes because parking cars in a parking lot should be at the top of this area’s list of critical issues.
“Safe and Prudent” is what fucked up our no-numerical-speedlimits on Montana highways back in the nineties.