Say ‘ello to my litt-el friend:
Say ‘ello to my litt-el friend:
There’s an MX track on the way to mtn high, buddies have ridden it, I don’t know the name but I can find out.
HAHAHA you shit-bird, I called my buddy in Corona, told him about the deniers of this easily-accomplished task, he laughed and said we need to step up our game:
Uhhh....American gearheads running around the deserts of Qatar in jeeps and dirt bikes? Is this normal???
Jim Rippey, roughly 2001 IIRC, we were so pumped about it we bought the VCR tape...hahaha....and he did it on an un-modified sled using a natural hill in the mountains. No ramps, no foam pits. #respect
I expect my off-road rig to ride like a car.
Derp. The one of these 3 below that is truly off-road oriented is selling like hotcakes:
More drag, because it’s spinning in oil, so I think it would affect MPG. Other than that, they’re superior in terms of lifespan.
HAHA if you make a post that only says “fucking gun nuts” on the Internet, with no indication you’re being sarcastic, why would any sane person think you are not anti-gun?
Oh please....not even a contest:
“gun nuts” contribute more to wildlife conservation than you lefties. See the pittman-robertson act: $1.1 Billion towards conservation.
Have you seen turbidity levels during a flood? It makes a water crossing look like a brita filter field experiment.
Awww, a gun grabber, how precious....
So a country’s response to Islamic terrorism is viewed as the source of the terrorism itself.....because, you know, it’s never radical Islam’s fault.
Oh, so it’s “complicated”. You clearly accused Germany of slaughtering and robbing, please show examples. I’ll wait.
HAHA true!
Aww how precious, you must read Al-jazeera. Not only has Germany not “slaughtered” or “robbed” arab countries, they’re literally trying harder than anyone, including any muslim nations, to harbor muslim refugees. Any attempts to portray terrorism against them as deserved is simply showing your ignorance.
Cool, I had never heard that before. Love those hoods, btw