
I have a Roma friend. He lives non-nomadically and is a care worker at a psychological hospital. Another went to my school. Large numbers of Romany individuals have integrated with other cultures - but they are unmarked and nobody really comments on it. The culture is fine, the people are fine, it's weirdly othering

As an actual Roma person I'm going to chime in and say a lot of the people saying stuff about "nomadic lifestyles" or "traveler culture" are talking out of their asses, as Romani people are mostly settled now, and are not culturally nomadic- Romani were forced to be nomadic due to racism, slavery, and historic "gypsy

Racism against Roma people, unlike racism against any other kind of people, is totally legitimate. I know this because some Roma people treated me badly in the past. Roma people are the ONLY people that have ever treated me badly. No other group has criminals in it, especially white Europeans. This is likely due to

Please tell me "Herp Lady" is reptilian, and not virus-riddled.

Congrats, your "non-type type" is based on standardized ideals of beauty for men, and a magical stress free unicorn person.

Yep, it's not at all sexist to have her entire life consist of looking after a man who saves the world a lot. And "mother" is the most important job that a woman can have, because mothers raise the boys who will grow up to run the world and make progress in art and science.

Actual plot of the season finale: manic pixie dream girl exists for no purpose but to sacrifice herself for the Doctor throughout time and space.

Good. My building is small. There's no doorman. I don't want randoms running around in there while their hosts aren't even around.

Ugh, stay at a hotel or with friends. Randos in my building DO NOT WANT.

God, I can't even address this here - I'm already in an argument on the similar Valleywag article with someone who CLEARLY works for Air BnB. They're helpfully informing me that my concerns about having Air BnB randos traipsing through my apartment building with key copies is nothing more than a "paranoid fantasy" and

Hi. I'm a student at the U of A. I walk past Brother Dean every day, because the place he preaches is right next to the building I where most of my classes are. He's horrible yes. But I have a message for the author of this article, my school newspaper, and everyone else who keeps giving him the attention he wants:

In many cases you're also talking about breaking the actual law, ie, disseminating child porn. Are you suggesting that "attitude" needs to change as well?