Palo Altonian

It’s more satisfying than you think.

Maybe they should hire you as their advisor.

Blah blah blah.

And then someone by the name Trump became president. The End.

Congratulations to my balls if I ever make it to space.

“The Genius”... think again. There are quite a few ways to live cheaper and in a proper way. Having roommates that split rent is one of them. If he wasn’t such a weirdo...

Back in the day they didn’t have video games, cable TV, movies, etc. Imagine how bored they would get. Think about how many hours of the same video game one can play in a week today. Much the same way, people back then would try making things over and over until they got it right. Yes, we are wasting our time with

Yet Batman has a difficult battle to overcome. Fighting an enemy while clenching a fart is no easy task.