
As the article makes clear, Kevin’s condition is the opposite of Cody’s. One has a protruding chest; the other a sunken chest. Neither condition provides an advantage. It’s a coincidence, nothing more. The key to generating power in the breaststroke is the kick, not the water pull. But thanks for the link. Hope you'll

Two-time Olympic swimmer here. This is news to me. Are you sure you didn't read an article about Cody Miller, bronze medalist in the 100 breast, who has pectus excavatum, essentially an inverted chest? He has excelled in spite of it, not because of it.

Even at 10nmol/L, Semenya had to take suppression drugs, meaning her base testosterone was already above 10. Who knows what it is now that there is no ceiling on nmol/L.

Not any longer...when the Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled in 2014 in favor of Dutee Chand, an intersex athlete from India competing in women's events, it nullified the earlier rule on testosterone levels. Since that ruling, Semenya stopped her testosterone suppression treatments and is undefeated in nine

It's definitely about the testosterone. When the IAAF introduced its "eligibility rules for females with hyperandrogenism" in April 2011, the rule allowed still allowed for testosterone above the normal range for females, which is .5-3 nanomoles per liter. The IAAF allowed up to 10 nmol/L, and Semenya still had to go