I came to say the same thing. A “Z” concept is being unveiled at this years Tokyo Auto show. To not have a commemorative edition of the outgoing model would be out of Nissan’s character.
I came to say the same thing. A “Z” concept is being unveiled at this years Tokyo Auto show. To not have a commemorative edition of the outgoing model would be out of Nissan’s character.
This is funny to me because this is the same website that loves the Mitata. That car hasn’t changed in forever you guys love this shit out of it.
Ok you sonsabitches, time to put up or shut up... I’d check ‘em out, but I’m already one of the 6 people in the U.S. that has a wagon.
Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.
It’s even funnier when people get scared to go to a the resort part of Mexico in Cancun/Playa del Carmen. Then they say, “oh this is nothing like that I thought Mexico would be!” Which is true, because it’s not really Mexico.
Americans think Mexico City is just non-stop taxi kidnappings. And by Americans I mean me. :.-(
I went to Mexico City, saw the absolute fear in the eyes of people when I mentioned going out for a walk, the barbed wire around the houses of anyone with a little success, and I am one and done.
You’re the type of person who wouldn’t get out of the way when I was driving my mom to the hospital. Mind your own business, and stop playing cop.
Now you’ve done it!
Being a “religious person” yourself doesn’t mean you can’t be judgmental of other religious folks’ choice of lifestyles.
Straight up! If you’re going to attack religious people, point out that their “god” is just make believe.
Every criticism I’ve seen of this has boiled down to “lol religious people are different than me.”
Skipping breakfast works for some people, but I know it wouldn’t work for me. If I don’t eat by 9:30am, my blood sugar gets too low and I’ll likely faint. I’ve made that mistake before, no need to make it again.
Might as well eat a few spoonfuls of sugar. I’ll stick with my smoothie recipe (1/3 of an avocado, ~1/4C blueberries (prefer figs but are hard to find), ~2-3TBSP almond butter, one green banana, ~1 TBSP cacao nibs, pinch of salt, maybe sprinkle of coconut, fill with water or raw milk)
Thank you. I am at work and it would be poor form to be playing a video in my cubicle. Words>pictures in this case.
So 2 of 10 “clever uses for WD-40 that don’t involve lubricating” actually involve lubricating?
For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...