84 GM Turbo

They still refuse to understand. Fuck them. The whole world is rejecting them.

By that logic, you are a sexual assault enabler, as that is what HRC is.

Thank you. So many people get this wrong. Hitler liked to drink water. Don’t drink water.

I’m not even exaggerating when I tell you that 95% of the staff of this website, as well as 95% of the democratic party, believe that minorities cannot be racist. It requires “power”.

Haha! Exactly the reason HRC lost! Have a nice day!

In my experience, pretty much so.

I work near Madison. It’s hard to find two out of 10 that don’t.

The most bewildering thing is that they (liberals/democrats) thought that they could beat white middle-class Americans into submission by continually calling them racist the past 8 years because they didn’t support Obama and his policies whole-hog.

And they can’t see it - it’s amazing. It’s as if the last year and half was just them projecting their own shortcomings on “white people”.

I’ve only been in the West Wing, and not the Oval Office itself. I would think that entering that room for the first time is appropriately awe-inspiring, if not intimidating, for anyone.


New approach, Albert. Drop the insults in your writing.

That’s what she said

Speculating about the appearance of the next Jeep is about the same as speculating about the appearance of the next 911.

confirmed. looks +2 inches to me!

Needs square headlights

Yeah, I thought that would be obvious once they got to the ‘lunch break’ portion of the advice and started talking about going to shows and events in addition to eating that the advice was for a different ‘class’ of employee than most of us.

Sorry, this advice is for middle management only, here is a coupon for half off at chipotle.

You’re missing the goddamn point.