84 GM Turbo

“shot into a car backing up”
What we need to see is the car, and what time of night. Was the back window tinted like most vehicles....kind of rules out any possibility of knowing who he was shooting at, doesn’t make that right, just means he did know he was shooting at a black teen.

I don’t know what happened either, but in regards to use of photos in the media, you are 100% correct. Can’t paint a narrative if you’re using the most recent social media selfie.

So can a person of “color” wear a cowboy hat? Why or why not? Asking for a friend.

“Car companies hate drones, click to see why”

“Car companies hate drones, click to see why”

Trap door, poop chute, straight pipe to the ground.....whatever you want to call it brah, problem solved.

I’d crap myself if I woke up in a hearse!

No Baby, No Care-era

Oh Cay Man, you win.

They were good, crappy cars. Our turbo version had torque steer like no other and only worked until it fried it’s next exhaust manifold. Made me love turbos, but GM in the turbo business in the 80s....?!?!

I LOL at this Everytime

But who wants to live in the “peace” starving and under the rule of a “fat turd” family, with no rights. If I you had a full understanding of the risks as a NK citizen, would you not want the potential for you or your offspring to have a better world?

I think the North has been brainwashed to think the south is evil. But one taste of McDonalds or KFC and they should realize that “hey, this isn’t so bad”.

Nailed it. But in the end I still feel sick that country and governmental leaders in today’s world can still just decide the fate of millions of citizens, and those citizens remain option-less in changing things themselves. Sad state of human affairs, and grudge and ego matches.

Yes a good article, gave me a lot to think about, but lets not stretch it and start broad brushing an implied understanding of the opinions of others.

no hate here, but the impression of so many subsets of car culture being all about MOAR POWER and Bigger tires and drag races and penis measuring contests, it always catches me off guard to see these articles pop up here. Odd, not wrong, just odd - maybe a good reminder that a Jalop is a different breed.

A Sunbird indeed, the car dreams are make of, and the car that laughs in the face of each of its 6 replaced exhaust manifolds.