
And for the 2017 version of the event, the Myrtle Beach Online actually published a story bragging about how no one was shot during Black Bike Week.
But not before private businesses in Myrtle Beach were warned by the NAACP they better stay open to serve black bikers (who import otherwise rare violence to the city


So by your logic Black America has blood on it’s hand because of the much higher black on black murder rate?

You are far more likely to be shot by another black man walking down the street than by a cop. What are you doing about that?

He was shot center mass.



Go live in the black-”governed” paradises of South Africa or Zimbabwe then.

“He was legally obligated to tell the cop he had the gun he was legally allowed to carry.”

WRONG. He lied on his application, and was under the influence of illegal drugs when he was carrying and got shot, which means that he was NOT legally allowed to carry. 

blah blah blah whine whine whine BLACK TEARS LOL

It is very telling (hilarious, actually) how “The Root” NEVER EVER reports on ANY news from South Africa. Maybe they can’t find it? Here is a helpful and informative link to a major South African news site:

You aren’t gonna last long around here presenting fact based arguments. That’s not how they roll man. You have to yell “RACIST!” and you will be fine. Appreciate your post

I here South Africa is lovely, especially if you like burning tires around your neck.

Here’s the break down of the 447 fatal police shootings in the US so far this year per the Washington Post Police Shootings Database:
179 White
102 Black
69 Hispanic
15 Other
18 Unknown
You can pretend that only Blacks are killed by police because it suits your narrative but the truth is that a lot more Whites are killed

And yet it’s still by far safer than any country in Africa. Still far more possible for a black person to become successful. So if America is a bitch, gtfo. I know you’ll come crawling back within weeks if not days.

True story time. I was a armed security officer who was licensed in life saving techniques at one point in my life. One day, a elderly lady went into cardiac arrest right in the middle of my lobby. We kept scissors with our AEDs because of bras. Our training required us to cut the bra off due to them getting in the